HealthGainz Home
Welcome to
running sports therapy lurgan
Better Health
Through Movement!

Welcome to HealthGainz! 

Our Application

Our aim is provide Healthcare Professionals with an enabling tool for their patient to create bespoke exercise rehabilitation programs. »


The features include registering, logging in, inviting patients, assigning exercises to the patient and data feedback to how often the app is used. »

Frequently Asked Questions

... coming soon! »

What Problem are we solving? 

Our Application

Our aim is provide Healthcare Professionals with an enabling tool for their patient to create bespoke exercise rehabilitation programs. »


The features include registering, logging in, inviting patients, assigning exercises to the patient and data feedback to how often the app is used. »

Frequently Asked Questions

... coming soon! »

Potential Benefits

Increase Compliance Rates

One of our main aims is use exercise to reduce recovery time. »

Optimise Recovery

Allowing the patient to get better health outcome from their injury. »

Reducing Re-occurrence

With the patient now engaging with their rehabilitative exercise program and feeling the difference exercise makes. »


This is a potential solution for the future of Healthcare

From our blog

In 2019 we won WIB Danske Bank Tech Stars Competition!
This was an amazing prize to work on the business out of the Belfast Danske Fintech Hub.  »
Propel Programme 2018
We were very fortunate to be on Invest Northern Ireland Propel programme starting January 2018. »
Innovation Award!!
Claire McMullan receives an Innovation Award from Women in Business for her innovative idea with Health Gainz. »
Welcome to HealthGainz Blog!!
Welcome to Health Gainz Blog! We aim to create this blog to give you up to date information and help!  »


We would love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, want more information or an interested in what we are doing?

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